fenomeni sonori

Oggi vi portiamo alla scoperta di fenomeni sonori in luoghi segreti, dove i laghi parlano, le grotte cantano e la montagna tace. Vi sveleremo un trucco di magia e la tecnica del bagno nel bosco.

Today we take you on a discovery of sound phenomena in secret places, where lakes speak, caves sing and mountains fall silent. We reveal a magic trick and the technique of bathing in the woods.

Fenomeni sonori came about as a result of an invitation from Zeno Gabaglio. Valentina Pini and I, Micha Seidenberg, were asked to make two 25-minute contributions for the programme ‘Mixtape’ on Radio Svizzera Italiana. The result was a radiophonic work that playfully approaches four sound phenomena. For this, we travelled to specific locations and recorded our experiences and playful explorations with field recordings. We used most of the resulting material without major intervention. Here and there, however, the field recordings suddenly drift off into a magical, compositionally developed sound world, whose material still recalls its recording locations, but leaves its physical boundaries behind and enters the magical world of electroacoustics.

Title fenomeni sonori
Year 2024
Duration 50'' (25'' & 25'')
Short Technical Description 2 channels, fixed media
Premiere 2024, June 27th
Premiere Details Broadcasted on RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera – MIXTAPE | Side A Side B
Credits a collaboration with Valentina Pini